
About the project

Efficient manure and nutrient management in agriculture is beneficial for the environment and for the farmer, and, thus, the only way to secure sustainable food production in the future.

SuMaNu (Sustainable Manure and Nutrient Management for reduction of nutrient loss in the Baltic Sea Region) is a platform project which aims to analyse and synthesize approaches to sustainable manure and nutrient management promoted by four international projects. These are Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects Baltic Slurry Acidification and Manure Standards, Interreg Central Baltic project GreenAgri and BONUS Programme project BONUS PROMISE.

Towards regional and more holistic view

The SuMaNu synthesis of the solutions developed in the four projects will be used for formulating recommendations for environmentally and economically sustainable manure management in order to better link project results and policies. SuMaNu will target this information nationally and internationally especially to policy-makers. Communication will also be directed to other stakeholders, in particular, to farmers via farmers’ unions and advisory services.

Representation across the Baltic Sea

SuMaNu partners come from different Baltic Sea countries, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Sweden. One of the partners is an intergovernmental organisation HELCOM – Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission.

SuMaNu is financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. SuMaNu runs between  October 2018 – September 2021.

Powerpoint presentation of SuMaNu