The participating projects have produced films about issues they cover

CDR: How to store manure to reduce water pollution.

Closed circle farm reduces the environmental impact of agriculture

HELCOM work with SuMaNu policy recommendations

Four manure spreading techniques (subtitles in English, select in the player)

Nutrient cycling at Vierelä farm (Choose subtitles in the player)

Slurry acidification reduces ammonia emissions from agriculture’ by Baltic Sea Action Group

‘Partners’ views on the achievements of Baltic Slurry Acidification’ by Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service

Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference 2019

Visit to one of the pilot farms of Manure Standards project. The national broadcasting company of Portugal, RTP, visited one of Manure Standards projects pilot farms in autumn 2018. Project Coordinator Sari Luostarinen is also interviewed.

Manure sampling and analysis. Produced in the Manure Standards project by State Plant Protection Service, Latvia, 2018

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