Page content
- SuMaNu International events and workshops report
- Manure processing as a pathway to enhanced nutrient recycling
- Translation in Russian
- Translation in Ukrainian
- Typical pitfalls leading to gaps between envisaged and realised impacts of manure and nutrient-related projects – a gap analysis
- Technologies and management practices for sustainable manure use in the Baltic Sea Region
- Summary from national stakeholder events
- Working papers: The current situation of SuMaNu policy recommendations in partnership countries, a report and an overview
- Infographics
- International articles
- Reports and material in other languages
SuMaNu International events report 2021
An important part of the SuMaNu work has been a dialogue with stakeholders. SuMaNu has organised, together with other organisations, three international workshops. Their aim was to ensure the regional relevance of joint policy recommendations.
Manure processing as a pathway to enhanced nutrient recycling by Sari Luostarinen, Elina Tampio, Johanna Laakso, Minna Sarvi, Kari Ylivainio, Kaisa Riiko, Katrin Kuka, Elke Bloem and Erik Sindhöj
The need to introduce new nutrients into the current demand from mineral resources could be reduced significantly via nutrient recycling. The most significant recyclable material is animal manure which is traditionally used as a fertilizer. However, due to segregation of crop and animal production, manure is often regionally concentrated so that its nutrients may be available in excess to the region’s need. To enable regional nutrient reallocation, manure processing to various end-products could be used. In this report the advantages and challenges of manure processing are discussed and several processing technologies introduced.
Typical pitfalls leading to gaps between envisaged and realised impacts of manure and nutrient related projects – a gap analysis by H. Lyngsø Foged (Corresponding author, Organe Institute), A. Szymanski (CDR), E. Sindhöj (RISE), K. Kuka (JKI), M. Krystoforski (CDR), M. Sarvi (Luke), S. Kaasinen (HELCOM), Z. Melnalksne (Zemnieku Saeima)
This report describes potential pitfalls in project design and implementation that could cause gaps between envisaged and realized project impacts to promote sustainable manure management. The analysis looks at possible reasons for these gaps and suggests improvements to enhance policy impact of projects in the future.
Technologies and management practices for sustainable manure use in the Baltic Sea Region by Erik Sindhöj, Marek Krysztoforski, Katrin Kuka, Sari Luostarinen, Zanda Melnalksne, Kristina Mjöfors, Kaisa Riiko, Kalvi Tamm, Kari Ylivainio, Minna Sarvi
The objective of this report was to compile recommendations from seven previous Interreg and Bonus projects dealing with improving manure use in the Baltic Sea Region. The recommendations were sorted according to where along the manure handling chain they should be implemented and synthesized in terms of the various aspects of sustainability they aimed at improving.
Summary of the national stakeholder events. During the SuMaNu project, nine national stakeholder events were organised. The aim was to gather feedback to the SuMaNu policy recommendations.
Working paper: The status of SuMaNu policy recommendations in partnership countries. Overview of the status of national regulations regarding the specific policy recommendations from SuMaNu. A written summary and an overview as a table. This is a working paper. Experts in manure handling and management in each country have compiled the information, but the contents have not been fact checked or referenced and should be regarded as personal statements.
Infographics of nutrient cycling. If used in later context, please refer to Interreg Baltic Sea Region project platform SuMaNu.
International articles
Baltic Rim Economies Review 1/2021: Towards Sustainability in manure and nutrient use, Minna Sarvi
Baltic Rim Economies Review 1/2021: Manure data as a prerequisite to its sustainable use, Sari Luostarinen
Clear waters through cooperation – Interreg EU, May 2021
Reports and other material in other languages
- Recycling von organischem Dünger by Julius-Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
- Anwendung organischer Dünger by Julius-Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
- More information about SuMaNu in German here.
Other reports
BONUS RETURN report: Mission Blue – Exploring Circular Interventions in the Baltic Sea Region by Karina Barquet and Arno Rosemarin (SEI) with contributions from Linn Järnberg, Somya Joshi, Elin Leander, Olle Olsson (SEI) and Erik Sindhöj (RISE)