Farm level nutrient balancing a popular theme in the Finnish stakeholder meeting

In the Finnish national meeting, held on 26th of November, themes like farm-level nutrient balance, the lack and difficulty of animal and crop farm cooperation, farmers’ tight economy, and manure as a means of improving soil quality were discussed. We have previously reported that country-wise stakeholder dialogs have been organised by SuMaNu during 2020.

The participants were divided into four groups and they were given some joint questions to start the conversation. In all groups, the farm-gate balance was noted to be a good measure. The need to increase manure separation in order to enable more focused N and P usage was also noted.

In her closing statement, the representative of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture, Ms Marja-Liisa Tapio-Biström said that at the EU level, both the CAP and the Green Deal will bring new guidelines, which need to be translated into local action. Systemic change is in progress – a linear system is slowly being replaced by circular thinking. Circular economy is, however, not a new innovation, it is about relearning some old ways of thinking, but this time, we have modern solutions at our disposal. However, it is essential that the focus stays with farmers, and that both farmers and advisors receive enough information.

Read the SuMaNu Policy Recommendations here. They’re currently drafts and you’re free to share your thoughts on them. Please get in touch with Minna Sarvi (, Kaisa Riiko ( or Kaj Granholm ( if you wish to do so.


The presentations given during the Finnish stakeholder workshop:

Kuinka lannan ravinteiden hyödyntämistä voidaan kehittää? – SuMaNu -hankkeen suositukset by Minna Sarvi 

Ravinteet kiertoon – Missä mennään EU:n, Itämeren ja Suomen tasolla by Sari Luostarinen

Kierrätyslannoitteista ratkaisuja, LEX4BIO-hanke by Kari Ylivainio