National stakeholders have their say regarding SuMaNu policy recommendations

The SuMaNu project platform has synthesized policy recommendations on lessons learned and results from four SuMaNu projects and previous agro-environmental projects. The SuMaNu project partners have, in their respective countries around the Baltic Sea, discussed and further developed these recommendations together with their national stakeholders.

The drafted policy recommendations focus on six different areas from fertilization planning to regional nutrient reallocation. PROMISE policy recommendation concentrates on safe manure recycling. SuMaNu’s policy recommendations concern, on one hand, the farm level and the other, the regional level. In addition, the project partners have put forward recommendations for increasing awareness and improving communication.

Of the country-wise stakeholder meetings held during the year 2020, most have been carried out online, but some project partners have even been able to have a good old physical meeting. The Latvian project partner, Union Farmers Parliament, started by having their first session on the 12th of March, with subsequent sessions on the 14th and 26th of June. The Polish partner CDR – Agricultural Advisory Center in Brwinow, had its meeting on the 3rd of September with the Julius Kühn-Institut, the German partner, following about two weeks later on 17th September. The last week of November was a super week for national meetings, as the Estonian, Danish, and Finnish project partners all had their meetings on the 26th of November. Swedish project partner RISE is yet to have its own meeting. When all the national stakeholders have had their say regarding the draft policy recommendations, the SuMaNu team will finalize them and, among other things, present them at the EU level.

Here you can find a project presentation including a summary of the policy recommendations.


Drafts for SuMaNu Policy Recommendations

Fertilization planning and nutrient balancing

Phosphorus fertilization planning measures 

Support and regulation for best applicable handling technologies for storage and spreading of manure

Regional nutrient reallocation

Safe manure nutrient recycling

Knowledge transfer between farmers, authorities and policymakers

Please get in touch with Minna Sarvi (, Kaisa Riiko ( or Kaj Granholm ( if you want to share your thoughts on the drafts.