Nutrient efficiency – nutrients to the crops, not to the Baltic Sea


Policy recommendations, update on HELCOM strategy and inspirational examples were presented in SuMaNu’s Final Conference held in cooperation with Coalition Clean Baltic on Monday 14th of June.

In the future, sustainable manure and nutrient management in the agriculture is a must, not only in the Baltic Sea region but also globally. Luckily, the Baltic Sea region has cooperated with this challenge for over a decade via EU funded projects. SuMaNu gathered together and synthesised results from previous agri-environmental projects. On Monday 14th of June was the time to have SuMaNu’s final conference and present its findings.

Researchers Sari Luostarinen and Minna Sarvi from Luke gave presentations of practices and technologies analysed in the project as well as policy recommendations based on the work. SuMaNu team has had workshops about policy recommendations in all member countries and this work has been used also as a background for HELCOM nutrient recycling strategy development. Susanna Kaasinen from HELCOM presented an update on the strategy. More detailed picture about the importance of balanced nutrient fertilisation was given by Gunnar Noren from Coalition Clean Baltic.

The many ways to support the sustainability of nutrient management was illustrated by inspirational examples from the Baltic Sea riparian countries. Technical innovations, more sustainable practices, better policies, more information and knowledge transfer are all needed for keeping nutrients where they belong – on fields fertilising crops.

Inspirational examples and messages from the Baltic Sea region countries

The recording of the conference can be found in English and in Russian.